With a projected smaller number of offers being made by firms, candidates are going to have to be at the top of their game when interviewing. Regardless of the market, the most important factor in successful interviewing is to know yourself - your skills, values, and interests - and be able to cogently define your professional goals and what you can do for the employer. So what specifically can you do to prepare. Here are a few tips:
- Know what you can control about the interview process - don't listen to rumors, have more than one interview suit (keep it conservative), and don't feel pressured to have even one drink at an employer function.
- Do practice interviewing every chance you get. Use friends, alumni and especially the CSO to your advantage.
- Do your research. Go beyond their website. You need to know as much about this employer as you can before you sit down with them.
- Be enthusiastic. Show the employer you want to be there and have a concrete reason (other than I need a job) for applying to them.
- Think beyond your GPA. Whether it's great or not so much, employers are also looking for great experience (not necessarily all legal), good writers, and most importantly someone with good people skills. If you have strong interpersonal skills, you can interview above your GPA. All it takes is practice.
In a down economy, it's often hard not to focus on market forcasts, which you can't control, and focus on presenting yourself in the best light to employers, which you can control. To accomplish this, trust your judgment, ignore the hype, and rely on your career advisor to help you make wise decisions.