Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tips for hiring an effective employer - ie. how to be an effective hire

I came across this article in the Washington Post today in response to a small firm administrator who is having trouble hiring and retaining effective employees. The advice s/he gets is a great insight into what it takes to be an effective hire. So, if you know what employers are looking for, you can tailor your responses to meet their needs. Give it a try at your next interview and reap the rewards.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Interested in becoming a law professor?

Here is a list of teaching fellowships courtesy of the TaxProf Blog.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why e-resumes are different

It is so easy to submit a resume on-line that it has probably encouraged you to apply to many more positions than you have in the past. However, there is a downside to the ease of electronic submissions. Employers now spend even less time reviewing resumes. Thus, you need to make sure your e-resume stands out from the crowd. Here are some tips from the non-legal world of employment that are certainly helpful to aspiring lawyers. Pay particular attention to the section on using keywords. This is especially important for government employers and others who use resume software as their first-line resume reviewers.